OWYN Protein Shake Review

GUYS. I don’t know how OWYN did it, but they did it.

You may be asking: What exactly is “it”? 

They created a delicious VEGAN...

Vegan at The Halal Guys – Los Angeles, CA

GUYYYYSSSS. If you are stuck in quarantine (or not. you might read this in the future when you aren’t stuck in quarantine and I am JELOUS) you have to order from Halal Guys. They have...

Vegan Whipped Coffee Recipe

How trendy am I? I’m doing Tik Tok challenges like every middle schooler in America! Jokes aside, yes, it’s true. My twin and I have been grinding on that Tik Tok trend and just...

Vegan Lemon Loaf Recipe

I guess I’m, like, a baker now??? I mean, isn’t everyone in quarantine officially a baker since they have nothing better to do/be? Well, if you haven’t jumped on that baking...

Sunwarrior Protein Powder and Vegan Collagen Peptides Review

Vegan collagen!?!? Yes, you vegans heard that right. My favorite vegan protein powder brand of all time – Sunwarrior – not only has the most delicious selection of vegan protein...

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