Hello Hemp Seed and Coconut Oil Toothpaste Review

Hello! And by that, I mean, yes, hello, how are you? It’s been a while! But I also mean, “hello” as in the brand. What is Hello? It is a naturally-friendly toothpaste and...

VOWburger – Los Angeles

WOAHHH. It’s been a while, my guys. I have a full-time job now so I don’t often get time to try new restaurants but our best friend Rebecca came for the long weekend so we thought...

Natural Candy Store Review

I don’t mean to brag or anything, but I think I have the best friends in the whole wide world. I mean it (subtle flex, not gonna lie.) But why do I think I have the best friends? Because...

Vegan at SK’s Donuts – Los Angeles, CA

So, as you may or may not know, my sister and I are HUGE donut fanatics. We’ve literally tried every vegan donut on the west coast probably. Yes, that includes donuts from Portland, Seattle,...

Vegan at Bibigo – Los Angeles, CA

If you are ever in the Century City mall and need a bite to eat, definitely go to the food court and check out Bibigo. It’s like the Korean version of Chipotle!! You get to pick and...

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