This is the story of The Brunch Club. Directed by John Hughs. Written by Olie and Bella. Music by Sol. Coming out in theatres no where because no one reads this blog. Ever. At all. lol.

okay, so as you all know, going over to Sol’s house is the best. Not only is she the coolest person eva, but she also is a vegan and a foodie and basically our triplet.

So for breakfast, we decided to commit and wake up at the crack of dawn at 8:30 (okay, maybe not the actual crack of dawn, but we’re teenagers. That’s pretty much the crack of our dawn) and like the vegan warriors we are, trekked all the way to The Rabbit Hole Cafe (Who am I kidding? It was like a 2 minute ride, but we were tired so that has to count for something right??). This cafe is super super cute. It is themed like Alice in Wonderland, the staff is incredibly friendly and cheery (Which is important, remember we were sleepy), and practically half the food is vegan and anything not vegan can practically be made vegan. They even sell homemade vegan twinkles! Which is odd because Bella and I are usually called the vegan twinkes. So I guess they made us. Mom? Dad? 

We couldn’t decide between three delicious options so we decided to split them all like the lards we are! #YOLO #GOBIGorGOHOME

So we got the chocolate chia pudding pancake stack (Yes, stack as in multiple pancakes covered in pudding in my belly, no shame), the Heavenly grilled cheese (With daiya cheese, mushrooms, tomatoes, and pesto. No shame), and the vegan eggs Benedict (Biscuits, fried chickpea patty, Portobello bacon, spinach, and vegan hollandaise sauce. Again, no shame).

For drinks I got an iced green tea latte, bella got and iced chai, and Sol got an iced honey bush tea and they came in cool little indie mason jars. This place is honestly the cutest. 

Overall, it was amazingggg! Our brunch game was SO on. Honestly, that’s why we call ourselves the Brunch Club because our meal was freakin cult classic worthy. Honestly, you shouda been there. Magical things happened to our mouths (That’s what she said…)

And the straws are eco-friendly and are literally made out of paper. Idk how they work but they do. And Sol performs there sometimes so go check her out and eat some delicious grub too! 

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And here are our plates after #NOSHAME #SHAMLESS #OKAY #MAYBEALITTLESHAME 

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And this is us trying to take pictures almost an hour after we woke up so ignore our troll faces and sumo wrestler bodies. kthanksbye.


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