Vegan at the Dior Cafe Miami

Two words, one name: Christian Dior. Yes. This designer has slain the fashion game 4eva (or maybe even 5eva) and is now officially slaying the cafe game. 

During our stay in Miami, we decided to go to the beautiful and hidden Dior Cafe pop-up cafe in the middle of the Miami Design District. To get there, you have to go through the actual Dior store, which is stunning in its own right, and then take the elevator to the gorgeous rooftop terrace. 

I shit you not, the Dior cafe was one of the cutest and trendiest little spots I have ever been. The decor was chic as f*ck. 

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The food was soooooooo aesthetically pleasing and the drinks were amazingly delicious. However, the only downside was that everything is HELLA overpriced. A hot or iced tea is about $8, for example. So if you plan on going here, plan on spending a ridiculous amount of money on a latte or tea that would normally be 1/4 of the price literally anywhere else. But anyway, back to how amazing the cafe is…

The cafe actually had a wide array of pastry options, but none of the food items were vegan, so we stuck with the drinks! Bella got a delicious fresh-squeezed carrot-orange-ginger juice. Our friend Allie got an almond latte with an adorable cocoa powder Dior logo stenciled on top and I got an iced green tea because my stomach wasn’t feeling so hot. We all loved what we got! 

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Although it was hella pricey, the drinks were great and the vibes were even better. So, if you can afford it, I totally recommend! If you can’t, no biggie! Just go to check it out and maybe take a cute Instagram or two. 

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