Vegan at Kitsune Silver Lake

Raise your hand if you’re obsessed with Japanese food and would eat it every single day if you could!!!! *Cue me raising my hands and feet*

Well, if you raised your limbs in agreement and also live in LA, boy oh boy, do I have a treat for you! Recently I was scrolling the celebrity gossip website, Just Jared, when I stumbled upon a post about Kristin Stewert going to a cute lil restaurant in LA called Kitsune. Classic me, wanting to hit up all the celeb hot spots, I went straight to google and searched it up. Lo and behold, it turned out Kitsune is the sister company to Kombu Sushi, one of my and my sister’s favorite places in LA to get postmate vegan sushi!

My sister and I hopped in the car and yeeted all the way to Silver Lake. The place is SO ADORABLE. It’s super colorful, super-inclusive, and super insta-worthy. To be clear though, Kitsune is less like a sit-down restaurant and more of a grab-and-go window, which I imagine is super handy in Covid-ville (aka the USA in 2020). 

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They sell everything they normally do at Kombu, but they also have a special, smaller menu just for Kitsune, which consists of broths, onigiri (wrapped rice balls), and mochi ice cream. My sister and I decided to try one of each of the vegan items: the veggie onigiri, the mushroom ginger broth, and the yuzu-coconut-cream mochi ice cream. 

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The review: We LOVED it. The onigiri was SO delicious and the perfect size for a snack. It also came in the cutest little brown bag. The mushroom ginger soup was so simple, yet so freaking delicious. It reminded me of the mushroom soup I used to get at my local hibachi restaurant growing up. The mochi ice cream was really good/interesting tasting, but I probably wouldn’t order again because I’m not the biggest fan of Yuzu. However, I really appreciated them having a dessert option for vegans.

The only downside was, it did take a pretty long time to come out, especially for the small amount of food we got. But I think it was worth the wait! 


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