Vegan Almond Croissant Recipe

Almond croissants are ELITE. Idc what you say. They are a top tier pastry. And if you don’t like them, GROW UP. Anytime I’m at a vegan pastry shop and they have almond croissants, I ALWAYS get them. So, I figured, why not attempt to make them. I used this recipe found HERE. It’s such a super simple and easy recipe. Way more simple than I thought. I accidentally bought almond paste thinking it was an ingredient in the recipe, but then I realized part of the recipe was MAKING the almond paste. Honestly, I just recommend buying it. It’s so much easier that way and it tastes likes straight up marzipan. Delicious.

These croissants were a 10/10. One of my most favorite things I have ever baked in my entire life. Almond croissants reign supreme. Make these for your family and friends and I promise they will love you forever. And if they don’t? Well, hate to break it to ya kid, but they probably didn’t like you in the first place!

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