Vegan at Doughnut Plant NYC


Yes, I’m THIS excited!!!! My fave NYC donut place (since before I went vegan) now has vegan options and I am SHOOK.


Vegan Pecan Pie Recipe

I made my own vegan pecan pie!!! I feel like an adult now! First pecan pie, next, my own house and kids! (Jk, no kids. Just dogs. Lots of dogs). 

Anyway, my sis and...

Vegan Faux Fur Jacket from Jakke

Guys! I’m trendy! IKR? Crazy!

So anyway, Christmas/Hannukah/ whatever you celebrate is coming up and guess what? You, as a vegan, are starting to write up a wish...

Vegan Unicorn Toast

Unicorn toast? S0 2017, right? Well guess what guys? I have a new trend for y’all to start in the shiny year of 2018. Bear toast! (Not like the Bruin bears though because...

Vegan Hair and Nail Strengthener

GUYS. My friend Pamela (ala @Prettyandspiced on Insta) told me about this company called HUM, that makes supplements to strengthen nails and hair. They have a vegan one (little heart shaped...

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