Vegan Sushi Sandwiches

Did you just orgasm reading that subject head? Cuz… SAME. 

Sushi IN ANY FORM is amazing. Sushi roll, sushi burrito, sushi sandwich. JUST GIVE ME SUSHI!!!! Vegan...

Vegan T-Shirt

The best things in life are….

Finish the phrase!

Here, I’ll help you….

The best things in life are CRUELTY...

Vegan Body Wash

Soooo I was doing my daily  blowing of money on Amazon (I mean who doesn’t???), and I found this really pretty and natural vegan soap from Puracy that was flavored “citrus &...

Vegan Nutella

HELLOOOOOOOO people of the vegan-iverse (vegan universe? lol i wish)

GUESS WHAT I FOUND? Drum roll please…….. just kidding, you already know the title of...

Vegan Afternoon Tea at The Plaza

Yes, when I say Plaza, I am indeed referring to the Plaza in Eloise at the Plaza and Home Alone 2 plaza where Macaulay Culkin meets our beloved (barf) president Donald (barf)...

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