Vegan Egg Review

YES GUYS I DID IT. I tried the vegan egg and lived to tell the tale. So before I get into the review, I will admit I actually did not go out to a store to buy this. A small sample came in my monthly Vegan Cuts box so I thought, why not, lets just…

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Enlightened Bean Crisps Review

First of all: Sorry for the blurry pic. My camera can be a bit of a bitch-face sometimes and make the photo look crisp and clear when really it’s blurry AF Second of all: HAVE YOU TRIED THESE!?! They are legit amazing. I tried them once at the Coffee Bean at my school and immediately…

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BEST Tea Ever

GUYS, I never understood the hype around tea, but NOW I DO. Zhena’s Gypsy Tea is legit AMAZING. The vanilla chai is my favorite but the hazelnut comes to a close second. They legit smell like delicious chai doughnuts and taste like delicious chai lattes. SO GOOOOD. ‘Nuff said.

The Vegan Box Review

So guys, I was feeling pretty adventerous the other day (as I usually am) and decided to spontaneously order a subscription to an Australian vegan company called “The Vegan Box” which sends you a variety of vegan products and treats in the mail monthly.  So this is the box I got:  And this is what…

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Daily Harvest Smoothies review

Hey guys, raise your hand if you’re really lazy! *Raises both hands and feet*. Okay, well I’m not only lazy when it comes to school (and life in general), but also when it comes to my health #guiltyascharged. I know there’s definitely a version of me that exists in another dimension who goes to farmer’s markets every…

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