R.E.D.D Bar Fall Flavors 2019 Launch Party!

The wonderful and lovely people of Redd Bar kindly invited my sister and I to their launch event for their new fall flavors: Cinnamon Roll and Matcha * cue my drooling *. My sister couldn’t come beacuse she’s too lame being an adult and having a job (Lame with a capital L), so I was riding solo to this event!

The event started off with a candle-lit vinyasa flow yoga class at Y7 Studios that was SO relaxing (Although, at the end of the class, I realized I was an idiot and forgot to grab a yoga mat, so I was doing yoga on just the blanket that goes under the mat #imdumb) but it was still an amazing class. The instructor was so nice and helpful!

Then after, we were TREATED with the most amazing healthy vegan truffles I had EVER eaten in my entire life (not an exaggeration I promise). They had cinnamon bun Redd Bar truffles with a cinnamon coconut cream and candied nuts on top that LITERALLY tasted like Cinnabon. Like I’m going to be shook forever. Cinnabon better be QUAKING in their BOOTS. And the other truffle was the matcha almond Redd Bar with a matcha coconut cream and candied nuts. OUT of this world. Seriously, divine. I was tempted to take the whole tray and run….. * cue Rebel Wilson’s voice * but then I thought…mmm beta not.



They also served little matcha drinks as well and gave out little goodie bags with all sorts of vegan products, vegan chocolate, a Redd Bar beanie, and a ton of the new matcha/cinnamon Redd Bars. They were so good, I ate one when I got home. Seriously guys, if you are looking for a healthy alternative to cinnamon rolls or even a matcha muffin, buy these bars. They will BLOW your mind. And they have only 3-5 grams of sugar. YEAH.

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Thank you so much to Team Redd Bar for inviting us to this event and always supporting us and our Youtube Channel and vegan blog! Go throw them a follow on instagram and show them some love. They are a small company filled with passion and love and deserve all the support in the world!!

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