Jot Coffee Concentrate Review

You know when people say they have coffee running through their veins? I feel like they mean to say, “I have Jot running through my veins.”

Jot is an instant coffee concentrate that comes in liquid form with a neat little tablespoon to measure the serving size. The tablespoon of coffee concentrate can be poured into water or milk, hot or cold. I’m sure this isn’t the first time you’re hearing of Jot as I’m pretty sure everyone and their mother has seen the Instagram ads for it. I swear I see Jot ads daily lmao.


I was actually about to buy a bottle of Jot but didn’t because I only drink decaf coffee now. (Jot, if you’re reading this, please do decaf!!) However, I was staying at my friend’s apartment in Manhattan and she just so happened to have ordered Jot from Instagram, so we thought we’d break into it and give it a try!

On the first day of using Jot, we poured it over almond milk and ice. It was very strong and almost had a mocha taste. We weren’t crazy about the flavor, but once we put a bunch of sugar in it, we became obsessed. I will say, though, I put sugar in all my coffee and I prefer sugary coffee to more rich/deep coffee, so my perception of the sugar-free Jot flavor could be due to that. The Jot also served on the caffeine end. I was surely caffeinated after only one iced coffee. I’m also a lightweight when it comes to caffeine (and alcohol lol), so I’m sure that had something to do with it. 

Overall, it’s gotten pretty average reviews across the board. Some people like it. Others hate it. Plus, there are similar products for cheaper at Trader Joes and other grocery stores. 

Would I buy it? Yes if they ever made a decaf for the convenience of it, especially when making iced lattes. No to the regular coffee. I just think that if I were going to get jazzed on caffeine on a rare occasion, I’d rather go to a coffee shop like Alfreds or La Columbe for some “luxury” coffee. 

Anyway, if you want to check out the product, you can find it here: 

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