Vegan at Whole Foods in London

“Is Whole Foods a big thing here?” – Me to my British flatmate

Her response- “What’s …Whole Foods?” 

So there you have it people. British people are not as obsessed with high price organic groceries like we are lol

Anyway, no fear, London does have a few whole foods; however, they are not everywhere like there are in America. The whole foods I went to was the one in Soho right by my hotel. 

The Whole Foods in London are pretty small compared to the ones in the US and they have some similar products, but a lot of different products and brands as well. 

I was shocked at all the new British vegan brands I had never heard of in America. Below are pictures of what I got and I’ll list some of the brands below the pics! Bone apple tea folks. 


  1. Jelous Sweets- a brand of vegan candy like gummy bears, jelly beans, and sour worms. The sour worms are straight up addicting fyi
  2. Livia’s Kitchen- chocolate “raw millionare bites” which are basically heaven in a bite (Chocolate, date paste, and a raw biscuit on the bottom UGH) 
  3. Hippeas- they sell these at Starbucks in the US, but here they come in like 5 different flavors
  4. Booja Booja – a very popular vegan chocolate brand here. I bought salted caramel truffles and I legit could not stop thinking about how amazing they were and how I’ve lived my entire life without knowing they existed
  5. Nakd- UK version of Lara Bars (which they don’t sell here?? #sos) 

Whole Foods for the win!

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