So it’s a really long story how Olie, our friends Kristen and Ali, and I ended up at Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios last night……but twas an experience. We were literally shitting our pants the entire time. There were people chasing us with chain saws and bats and then their were evil santas and bloody gremlins and monsters on stilts chasing us…it was TERRIFYING. But don’t worry, we employed the buddy system and put on our poker faces and braced ourselves to get the FUCK out of the “scare zones” as quickly as possible. 

We found out three rules to survive the horror nights 1. Don’t act scared when they pop out at you and they will leave you alone (#WishIKnewThatEarlier) 2. If you stand in line for food, they can’t bother you. Remember people, the restaurants want business. They don’t want no gremlin chasing off customers. 3. Avoid the mazes at all costs. (We decided to go on the Terror Tram thinking it would be a spooky train ride when right before we were about to board, the lady goes “Is this your first maze?” and we go “Excuse me WHAT?” and she goes “yeah this is just a shuttle to the maze” and then we were like, as calmly as we could pretend, “Um, how the FUCK do we get out of here?”. Like imagine if we were on the train just jchillin and then the driver was like “Ok, time to get off for the maze!” We would have been like, “DA FUCK!?”. It’s okay doe. We got out in the nick of time #SavedByDaBell #ActuallySavedByThatLady)

So anyway, about the food aspect of this trip….  Sooooooo, Universal Studios has a couple of vegan options. At the French Bistro that we went in to run away from the bloody goblin, we saw a prepackaged  asian salad soba noodle thing that looked really good and was vegan. We also got dipping dots from a little cart and french fries from Mel’s (THE FRENCH FRIES WERE AMAZING #justsayin). I bought a pretzel from another cart but it had butter on it #FuckAllayal so i gave it to my frandddd. And there is a Starbucks in the park so that was sweeeet. Also, BTW, you’re not allowed to bring food from outside into the park, so we had previously bought candy from City Walk but they made us throw it away :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( #Wasted10Dollars #FuckAllayal

Anyways, after our scary excursion, we went back to City Walk to a different candy store called Sparkles or something to redeem ourselves and bought more candy (the candy has the list of ingredients on it so you can see whats vegan and whats not). They even had some dairy free chocolate items in their bakery section. They had dark chocolate marzipan (they said there was no dairy in it) so we bought those too and they were AMAZING. Literally LOVE both marzipan and chocolate more than I love life.  

Also, in City Walk, i saw a Jamba Juice and a Johnny Rockets (both have vegan options).

K PEACE MY FRIENDS (imma go get some lunch)



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