Vegan Unicorn Toast

Unicorn toast? S0 2017, right? Well guess what guys? I have a new trend for y’all to start in the shiny year of 2018. Bear toast! (Not like the Bruin bears though because FUCLA—Sorry, I’m a Trojan if you couldn’t tell. 

Anyway, if you have picky kids who don’t like eating their breakfast, here’s a fun and creative way to get them to do it! (Or you could just force feed them, either works) 

So all you need is: 

. Vegan cream cheese (Tofutti for lyfe) 

. Food die (vegan kind, I guess not all are vegan…?) 

. Fruits to make the bear faces

. Vegan bread, duh

Then it’s pretty self-explanatory from there. You just color the tofutti, apply to toasted vegan bread, and add little fruits (I used banana slices, blueberries, and pomegranates) to make a bear face! You could probably make a variety of animal faces if you are ~creative~ but you can totally just makes bear toasts for dayz if you aren’t. 

Cute, simple, pretty self-explanatory lol enjoy! 


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