So we ventured to Old Greenwich to check out this “amazing” vegan cafe called Grass Rxoots that we read about online. So as the vegan warriors we are,  just to get there, we trekked through roads so thin we thought we were going to die and so full of tropical trees that we questioned if we were in the Amazon. And finally we arrived at Grass Rxoots. BUTTT then we found out…. IT WAS CLOSED. For realz? “Closed temporarily” is said on the sign (what ever da fu that means) #KTHANKSBYE.

But, thanks to my friend Cristina for the recommendation  Olie and I decided to make our journey out to lunch worth it and ventured to Rye Ridge (not the main circle, but in the back near Soul Cycle) to go to Organic Pharmer and not only was it not closed (#thankyou), but the food was delicious. Fresh, simple, but full of flavor. We both gave it it an A+ rating. Super outstanding.

We got the azuki bean tempeh salad which was SO yummy and had a great dressing. We also got the cacao chia pudding which i expected to be kinda bad because chia pudding just isn’t something you expect to be good, but this chia pudding was so YUMMY! Such a perfect dessert/snack. So chocolaty and had little chocolate nibs on top. YUM. To drink, i got fresh squeezed orange juice and let me tell you, it was the best orange juice i’ve ever had in my life. I don’t know how, it just was. The sushi is apparently really good but they didn’t have it at the store.

Anyways,  DEFF check out this place for lunch to go (there are no tables to eat at).  It was so delicious. I’m surprised more people don’t know about this place. YUMM.


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