GUESS WHAT BETCHES?????? I’m officially the most random age of all time! #19 

And you know what, I was like: I’m gonna celebrate this randomness known as me being 19 years old because I’m 19 and its random and IM PROUD of it. We all gotta be random sometime or another and I guess my time is now. 

So, we decided to spend our bithday dinner with my closest LA gal pals at Nobu because we are fancy pants. 

For those of you who do not know the beauty known as Nobu, it is a nice Japenese restaurant that they have in most of the major city in the world and it has bomb japenese food. They are also SUPER willing to accomodate to us vegans. Our waitress was super nice and worked with us all night to ensure we had the perfect meal (Which we obvs did).

For starters we had the passion lychee drink (Virgin of course geez guys…lol just a virgin for the virgins if ya know whatta mean) and it was super sweet and refreshing and delicious. Then we had edamame with a pinch of sea salt. A classic. Keeping it classy, as always. 

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For our appetizers, they gave us the spinach salad which is always my fave. All my friends loved it and it was mouthwatering. I was like,”Why do I need a valentine’s date when I can just makeout with this spinach salad” <- probs the exact reason I don’t have a valentines date LOLZ


Then we had avacodo in ponzu sauce and oil and it was really yummy. We also had tofu new style which is peices of thinly sliced tofu in really yummay sauce. We got a plate of roasted vegetables with dipping sauce and MY FAVORITE OF ALL TIME crispy rice with mashed avocodo which they made just for us. I was like, “Fux valentines day chocolate. I got meh some crispy rice” <- I’m gonna die alone


For our meal, Bella and I got avocado tartar (Vegan verison of the tuna), a delicious mushtroom salad, and a plate of veggie rolls. By that time we were all stuffed to our hearts contents and also mid-pregnant with our food babies. Lol who’s da daddy? HaHa no one! Because I spent my valetines day with food. Lol, 40 yr old virgin? Nope! Not even that lucky. 

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Anyway, we customized Babycakes cakes (Vanilla and chocolate brownie) and shared those with our firends and it was a magical night! Now I know I seem bummed because I didn’t have a date, but ya know what? I was surrouned by all my closest girl friends and in hind sight, who needs boys anyway! Who runs the world. GIRLS


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