Vegan at Disfrutar- Barcelona

Hey guys! So you know that new trend of gastronomical food which basically mixes food with science so you experience a culinary explosion of flavors and tastes that are just soooo out of this world? Yeah? 

Well I am not about that shit. Neither was anyone in my family for that matter lol. We just don’t FUX WITH THAT.

So we went to this super fancy, very highly rated gastronomical restaurant called “Disfrutar” in Barcelona. First of all, I just want to say, I thought the concept of the restaurant was really cool and my sisters and I were amazed at how well they acommodated to the vegan requests. Like seriously, they acommodated incredibly well. 

Also, all the men working there (the chefs, waiters, legit all of them) were SEXY AF. But also like all the men in Barcelona were sexy af, so maybe it’s not that special? 

However, however, however, I do have to say everyone in my family left that night kind of grossed out. Like the meals and ideas of the meals were very artsy and creative but there were so many things exploding in my mouth (that’s what she said…kidding kidding) that I legit just wanted to vom after the meal. 

Below is one of like a million courses we had. It was like a lemongrass sea foam gazpacho with mint-infused jicama cubes? Idk, I just made that up. Can’t remember for the life of me what that was. But it was a no from me.


At one point, I think I ate a breast implant? Like I don’t even know what it was.

And at one point my mom literally had to yell at my older sister “Stop throwing elderberry at Bella”. It was crazy. 

But then we went got shwasted and went clubbing afterwards and forgot all about it so who cares!

So anyway, if you’re into weird shit being in your mouth, go for it! If not, maybe sit this one out. 

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